At this Website I found how to add music into a .res file and then use it in your delphi .exe. Here is the code for starting the WAVE song.
procedure TForm2.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
hFind, hRes: THandle;
Song: PChar;
hFind := FindResource(HInstance, 'SonicSong', 'WAVE') ;
if hFind <> 0 then begin
hRes:=LoadResource(HInstance, hFind) ;
if hRes <> 0 then begin
Song:=LockResource(hRes) ;
if Assigned(Song) then SndPlaySound(Song, snd_ASync or snd_Memory) ;
UnlockResource(hRes) ;
FreeResource(hFind) ;
So what I would like to know is how do I stop the music when I want to without closing the application?
Call the sndPlaySound
function with the first parameter set to nil
, which causes the currently playing sound to stop. As the second parameter use the SND_ASYNC
flag, because as the reference says, you must use this flag to terminate an asynchronously played waveform sound, which you are playing in your code:
sndPlaySound(nil, SND_ASYNC);