According to the platform status, it should. I am trying to accomplish a basic Hello World proof of concept but I can't get my Java client connect to my server with PlayN. As soon as I call createWebSocket(), the onClose() gets called. However, I was able to connect to my server using a standard html page.
Client code:
WebSocket s ="ws://localhost:8080/test", new Net.WebSocket.Listener(){
public void onClose() {System.out.println("close");};
public void onDataMessage(ByteBuffer msg) {System.out.println("data");};
public void onError(String reason) {System.out.println("error");};
public void onOpen() {System.out.println("open");};
public void onTextMessage(String msg) { System.out.println("text");};
I finally found the problem. Version 1.4 of PlayN uses Draft10 dy default. I have updated my local copy of PlayN to use : and I changed the default Draft to Draft17 and it could connect to Tomcat.