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Strange UICollectionViewFlowLayout overriding behaviour

I'm trying to override UICollectionViewFlowLayout, but I realized something strange. Here you can see a little code snippet:

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface SimpleFlowLayout : UICollectionViewFlowLayout 

@implementation SimpleFlowLayout

- (void)prepareLayout {

- (void)prepareForCollectionViewUpdates:(NSArray *)updateItems {

- (void)finalizeCollectionViewUpdates {

- (UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *)
       (NSIndexPath *)itemIndexPath {

- (UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *)
       (NSIndexPath *)itemIndexPath {


As an item is added to UICollectionView, reloadData is called. ReloadData does always reinitialize the layout, thus it will call prepareLayout again and again, and will never call prepareForCollectionViewUpdates at all.

Do you have any idea how to handle it?


  • Solved, I had to use batchUpdate instead of reloadData in textFieldShouldReturn method.