I'm trying to display live video from an external camera using the function "movie" after performing a 2x binning. My original video size is 768x576. However, when I bin my pixels, I get a 384x288 image that, when it's displayed, will look half the size of my original video. Is there any way I can increase the displayed size of the movie such that it looks the same size as the original? In other words, my pixel would look twice the size.
I have tried using set(gca,'Position'...)
but it doesn't change the size of my movie.
Any suggestion?
I'll use the example movie as found on the documentation.
Suppose you have a bunch of frames:
Z = peaks;
axis tight
% Preallocate the struct array for the struct returned by getframe
F(20) = struct('cdata',[],'colormap',[]);
% Record the movie
for j = 1:20
F(j) = getframe;
At the end of help movie
, it says:
MOVIE(H,M,N,FPS,LOC) specifies the location to play the movie at, relative to the lower-left corner of object H and in pixels, regardless of the value of the object's Units property. LOC = [X Y unused unused]. LOC is a 4-element position vector, of which only the X and Y coordinates are used (the movie plays back using the width and height in which it was recorded).
Thus, there is no way to display the movie at a bigger size than at which is was recorded. You'll have to blow up the pixels to make it display at larger size:
% blow up the pixels
newCdata = cellfun(@(x) x(...
repmat(1:size(x,1),N,1), ... % like kron, but then
repmat(1:size(x,2), N,1), :), ... % a bit faster, and suited
{F.cdata}, 'UniformOutput', false); % for 3D arrays
% assign all new data back to the movie
[F.cdata] = newCdata{:};
% and play the resized movie
Note that this won't win any prizes for readability, so if you're going to use this, please include a comment describing what it does.