This is the data:
id name period data1 data2
111 name1 monthly aaaaa bbbbb
111 name1 quaterly ccccc ddddd
111 name1 halfYearly eeeee fffff
111 name1 annually ggggg hhhhh
I want query which fetch data in a single row like
id name monthlYdata1 monthlYdata2 quaterlydata1 quaterlydata2 halfYearlydata1 halfYearlydata2 annuallydata1 annuallydata2
111 name1 aaaaa bbbbb ccccc ddddd eeeee fffff ggggg hhhhh
You did not specify what RDBMS you are using but, this will work in all of them:
select id,
max(case when period = 'monthly' then data1 end) as MonthlyData1,
max(case when period = 'monthly' then data2 end) as MonthlyData2,
max(case when period = 'quaterly' then data1 end) as quarterlyData1,
max(case when period = 'quaterly' then data2 end) as quarterlyData2,
max(case when period = 'halfYearly' then data1 end) as halfYearlyData1,
max(case when period = 'halfYearly' then data2 end) as halfYearlyData2,
max(case when period = 'annually' then data1 end) as annuallyData1,
max(case when period = 'annually' then data2 end) as annuallyData2
from yourtable
group by id, name
If you are using an RDBMS that has a PIVOT
function, then you can do the following which uses both an UNPIVOT
to produce the results. As Andriy M pointed out the UNPIVOT
is assuming that the datatype for both data1
and data2
are the same types, if not, then a conversion would need to take place to UNPIVOT
the data:
Oracle 11g:
select *
select id, name, value,
period||data new_col
from yourtable
value for data in (data1, data2)
) u
) x
for new_col in ('monthlyDATA1', 'monthlyDATA2',
'quaterlyDATA1', 'quaterlyDATA2',
'halfYearlyDATA1', 'halfYearlyDATA2',
'annuallyDATA1', 'annuallyDATA2')
) p
SQL Server:
select *
select id, name, value,
period+data new_col
from yourtable
value for data in (data1, data2)
) u
) x
for new_col in ('monthlyDATA1', 'monthlyDATA2',
'quaterlyDATA1', 'quaterlyDATA2',
'halfYearlyDATA1', 'halfYearlyDATA2',
'annuallyDATA1', 'annuallyDATA2')
) p