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Update nested sets when changing parent or deleting

I have the following table structure, which is also on sqlfiddle for convenience:

| rule_id | parent_id | left_id | right_id | rule_type | rule_title        | rule_description                  | public | parse_bbcode | parse_links | parse_smilies | group_ids |
|       1 |         0 |       1 |        6 | cat       | Sample Category 1 |                                   |      1 |            0 |           0 |             0 | 1 2 7     |
|       2 |         1 |       2 |        3 | rule      | Sample Rule 1     | This is a sample rule description |      1 |            1 |           1 |             1 | 1 2 7     |
|       3 |         0 |       7 |        8 | cat       | Sample category 2 |                                   |      1 |            0 |           0 |             0 | 1 7 2     |
|       4 |         0 |       9 |       10 | cat       | Sample category 3 |                                   |      1 |            0 |           0 |             0 | 1 7 2     |
|       5 |         1 |       4 |        5 | rule      | Sample rule 3     | lol                               |      1 |            1 |           1 |             1 | 1 2 7     |

As you see, rule_type can be either 'cat' or 'rule'.

cat stands for category, and categories are root nodes: so parent_id is always 0. In my code, we can identify categories by checking either if rule_type = 'cat' or parent_id = 0.

You can also see that I am using nested sets for my project and this is where the problem stands.

I have successfully created functions that:

  • move rules & categories up or down; and

  • put a new rule or category in the end of their respective place.

BUT I am failing to set the RULES' right_id & left_id if we change its parent_id! I'm also failing to set right_id & left_id if we delete a rule OR category.


I'll try to explain with an example. Note that this is just an example, not the actual case and I need a general answer.

From the table above, we see that we have 3 categories with rule_id IN (1, 3, 4) and two rules with rule_id IN (2, 5).

The rule with rule_id = 2 is part of the category with rule_id = 1, we can see that from the parent_id column. What if I change the parent_id to 4? How would the right_id & left_id get set so everything is in place again? I know we need to update both rule_id IN (1, 4) to reorder everything, but I don't know how my query would look like.

Same goes for deleting... For example I delete rule_id = 2 (which is a rule), how would I set right_id & left_id for parent_id = 1 in the correct order? Or when I delete a category? How would I reorder the categories?

I didn't really try doing anything here, as I have no vision how I would do such a thing, therefore I'm asking for your help, folks.

I hope I made myself clear. If not, let me know and I'll try to be even more descriptive.


  • I assume you have successfully set up the PDO connection.

    Also, be aware the following examples only work if all the categories are root nodes (like in the subject). It's not a problem to change this code to work with nested categories.

    Deleting a rule

    1. Retrieve its right_id and left_id value.

    2. Delete row from the database.

    3. Update the table set right_id - 2 where right_id greater then the right_id of deleting rule.

    4. Same for left_id


        $ruleIdForDel = 2;
        $leftId = 2;
        $rightId = 3;
        try {
            $pdo->exec("DELETE FROM rules WHERE rule_id = $ruleIdForDel");
            $pdo->exec("UPDATE rules
                        SET left_id = CASE
                                WHEN left_id > $leftId THEN left_id - 2
                                ELSE left_id
                            right_id = CASE
                                WHEN right_id > $rightId THEN right_id - 2
                                ELSE right_id
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw $e;

    Updating rule's parent_id

    Suppose we are going to move node to the last position of new parent

    1. Retrieve updating rule's left_id and right_id ($ruleLeftId and $ruleRightId)

    2. Retrieve new parent rule's left_id and right_id ($newParentRuleLeftId and $newParentRuleRightId)

    3. Check wether a node moving up or down the tree and depending on it generate new left_id and right_id values for the updating rule ($ruleNewLeftId and $ruleNewRightId)

    4. Update rules left_id and right_id depending on the updating rule's destination

    5. Update parent_id, left_id, right_id of the updating rule

    If the updating rule's right_key less then new parent rule's right_id then the rule moves down the tree, otherwise it moves up the tree.

    If the rule moves down the tree we are going to shift left_id value by minus 2 on the rules located between the updating rule's left_id ($ruleLeftId) and new left_id ($ruleNewLeftId) + 1. Otherwise, shift left_id value by 2 on the rules located between new left_id ($ruleNewLeftId) and initial left_id ($ruleLeftId).

    Same for right_id.


        // Updating rule
        $ruleId = 2;
        $ruleLeftId = 2;
        $ruleRightId = 3;
        // New parent rule
        $newParentRuleId = 3;
        $newParentRuleLeftId = 7;
        $newParentRuleRightId = 8;
        // Generate new rule's left and right keys
        // Moves up
        if ($newParentRuleRightId < $ruleRightId) {
            $ruleNewLeftId = $newParentRuleRightId;
            $ruleNewRightId = $newParentRuleRightId + 1;
        // Moves down
        } else {
            $ruleNewLeftId = $newParentRuleRightId - 2; // 6
            $ruleNewRightId = $newParentRuleRightId - 1; // 7
        try {
            $pdo->exec("UPDATE rules
                                SET left_id = CASE
                                    /* Moves down */
                                    WHEN $ruleNewRightId > $ruleRightId AND
                                         left_id > $ruleLeftId AND
                                         left_id <= $ruleNewLeftId + 1 THEN left_id - 2
                                    /* Moves up */
                                    WHEN $ruleNewRightId < $ruleRightId AND
                                         left_id >= $ruleNewLeftId AND
                                         left_id < $ruleLeftId THEN left_id + 2
                                    ELSE left_id
                                right_id = CASE
                                    WHEN $ruleNewRightId > $ruleRightId AND
                                         right_id > $ruleRightId AND
                                         right_id <= $ruleNewRightId THEN right_id - 2
                                    WHEN $ruleNewRightId < $ruleRightId AND
                                         right_id >= $ruleNewLeftId AND
                                         right_id <= $ruleRightId THEN right_id + 2
                                    ELSE right_id
            $pdo->exec("UPDATE rules
                        SET parent_id = $newParentRuleId,
                            left_id = $ruleNewLeftId,
                            right_id = $ruleNewRightId
                        WHERE rule_id = $ruleId");
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw $e;

    I didnt use any PDO::Statement just to save space.

    I have not tested it properly so post an issue if you find some.