I'm trying to add to my SQLite database (with fmdb) 10k rows but writing is stopped on 1000 row. And I have no any errors or warnings. My code:
NSString *queryString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"insert into histories (storyid, text, date, storyurl) values (%li, ?, ?, ?)",history.storyIndex];
if ([self.db open]) {
if([self.db executeUpdate:queryString, history.storyText, history.storyDate, history.storyUrl]) {
NSLog(@"history added");
Any suggestions?
Can you try the following code and see if there is any change:
NSString *queryString = @"INSERT INTO histories (storyid, text, date, storyurl)
VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?)";
BOOL executeUpdateStatus = NO;
if ([self.db open])
executeUpdateStatus = [self.db executeUpdate:queryString,
[NSNumber numberWithLong:history.storyIndex], history.storyText,
history.storyDate, history.storyUrl];
if(executeUpdateStatus == YES)
NSLog(@"history added");
NSLog(@"history NOT added");