I have followed Phabricator installation & configuration guides: http://www.phabricator.com/docs/phabricator/article/Installation_Guide.html http://www.phabricator.com/docs/phabricator/article/Configuration_Guide.html
When I navigate to http://localhost
to do final setup I get this message that says it can not find git command (there is also warning that "warn pcntl is not available!":
This setup mode will guide you through setting up your Phabricator configuration.
>>> CORE CONFIGURATION -------------------------------------------------------
okay PHP's deprecated 'safe_mode' is disabled.
okay 'open_basedir' is not set.
[WARN] You have not configured 'security.alternate-file-domain'. This makes your installation vulnerable to attack. Make sure you read the documentation for this parameter and understand the consequences of leaving it unconfigured.
okay $PATH is nonempty.
[OKAY] Core configuration OKAY.
>>> REQUIRED PHP EXTENSIONS --------------------------------------------------
okay Extension 'mysql' installed.
okay Extension 'hash' installed.
okay Extension 'json' installed.
okay Extension 'openssl' installed.
okay Extension 'mbstring' installed.
okay Extension 'iconv' installed.
okay Extension 'curl' installed.
okay PHP binary found on the command line.
okay PHP is available from the command line.
okay 'php' is CLI SAPI.
warn pcntl is not available!
[WARN] *** WARNING *** pcntl extension not available. You will not be able to run daemons.
>>> GIT SUBMODULES -----------------------------------------------------------
exception 'CommandException' with message 'Command '(cd '/Users/piotr/Phabricator/phabricator' && git submodule status)' failed with error #127:
sh: git: command not found
' in /Users/piotr/Phabricator/libphutil/src/future/exec/ExecFuture.php:334
Stack trace:
#0 /Users/piotr/Phabricator/libphutil/src/future/exec/execx.php(34): ExecFuture->resolvex()
#1 /Users/piotr/Phabricator/phabricator/src/infrastructure/PhabricatorSetup.php(264): execx('(cd %s && git s...', '/Users/piotr/Ph...')
#2 /Users/piotr/Phabricator/phabricator/webroot/index.php(121): PhabricatorSetup::runSetup()
#3 {main}
I also want to mention that I have git and I can run it without problems from terminal.
I have solved it.
The problem was in missing pcntl extension in PH. I had to compile it from source (as described here: http://blog.lancerushing.com/2011/02/getting-phps-pcntl-working-on-snow.html).