the fav icon in html5 Boilerplate doesn't work (doesn't show up)
I have tried it on localhost and also on a server but in both the cases it didn't worked. Whats the to make it work .?
HTML5 Boilerplate doesn't use link
elements for icons by default. Instead, it relies on the browser finding either favicon.ico or apple-touch-icon.png in the root directory.
If you put HTML5 Boilerplate in a sub-directory, whether in localhost or on a server, either no favicon will appear or an existing favicon in the server's root directory will appear. A quick fix for this is to add this line of code in the <head>
section of index.html :
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="apple-touch-icon.png">
Even better would be to create a 16x16 PNG image (e.g. favicon.png) instead of using the 57x57 apple-touch-icon.png, which gets resized and therefore loses clarity.
See the Favicons and Touch Icons section of the user guide for more details.