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Playing a sound in IE on Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5 device

I need to play a sound in an ASP.NET webapplication.

Currently I am using

<embed id="SoundPlaceholder" runat="server" src="/Audio/success.wav" hidden="true" autostart="true" loop="false" />

This works fine in IE on a desktop, however, when I run it in IE on a Windows Embedded device no sound plays.

Operating System: Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5

Does anyone know how I can solve this or is there another option for playing a simple short sound on a webpage.


  • I managed to get this working, it turns out that <embed> is not supported on the device, nor is <object>.

    <bgsound src="file://\windows\critical.wav" loop="1">

    This will play the critical.wav sound file that resides on the actual device (therefore no need to download it). You could however have specified a .wav file on the server as well.