In php, I often need to map a variable using an array ... but I can not seem to be able to do this in a one liner. c.f. example:
// the following results in an error:
echo array('a','b','c')[$key];
// this works, using an unnecessary variable:
$variable = array('a','b','c');
echo $variable[$key];
This is a minor problem, but it keeps bugging every once in a while ... I don't like the fact, that I use a variable for nothing ;)
I wouldn't bother about that extra variable, really. If you want, though, you could also remove it from memory after you've used it:
$variable = array('a','b','c');
echo $variable[$key];
Or, you could write a small function:
function indexonce(&$ar, $index) {
return $ar[$index];
and call this with:
$something = indexonce(array('a', 'b', 'c'), 2);
The array should be destroyed automatically now.