Please see this newly written code now, there is no "read" used, and still I get error on ambiguous "show":
data MyType0 a = Tong1 a | Tong2 a deriving Show
data MyType1 a = Cons1 a | Cons2 a | Cons3 | Cons4 deriving Show
data MyType2 a = MyType2 a deriving Show
fun ((Cons2 s):t:ts) (symseq, MyType2 msg) = (symseq, MyType2 (msg ++ ["You provided wrong symbol: " ++ (show t) ++ " Please provide symbol: " ++ (show Cons3) ]))
--fun ((Cons2 s):t:ts) (symseq, MyType2 msg) = (symseq, MyType2 (msg ++ ["You provided wrong symbol: " ++ (show t) ++ " Please provide symbol: " ]))
fun _ syms = syms
The ghci error msg:
Ambiguous type variable `a0' in the constraint:
(Show a0) arising from a use of `show'
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
In the second argument of `(++)', namely `(show Cons3)'
In the second argument of `(++)', namely
`" Please provide symbol: " ++ (show Cons3)'
In the second argument of `(++)', namely
`(show t) ++ " Please provide symbol: " ++ (show Cons3)'
Failed, modules loaded: none.
I got the following code on a site. I know ambiguous type error can come for the "read" function but here i get it for the "show" function too. i find it strange and not understand.
main = do run <- getLine
val <- getLine
case run of
"len" -> print . show . len $ (read val)
"rev" -> print . show . rev $ (read val)
_ -> putStr "wrong option"
rev :: [a] -> [a]
rev = foldl (flip (:)) []
len :: [a] -> Int
len = foldl (\ac _ -> ac + 1) 0
When i load it in ghci i get error.
Ambiguous type variable `a0' in the constraint:
(Read a0) arising from a use of `read'
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
In the second argument of `($)', namely `(read val)'
In the expression: print . show . len $ (read val)
In a case alternative: "len" -> print . show . len $ (read val)
Ambiguous type variable `a1' in the constraints:
(Read a1) arising from a use of `read' at ideone_x0cMx.hs:5:46-49
(Show a1) arising from a use of `show' at ideone_x0cMx.hs:5:32-35
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
In the second argument of `($)', namely `(read val)'
In the expression: print . show . rev $ (read val)
In a case alternative: "rev" -> print . show . rev $ (read val)
Failed, modules loaded: none.
In the subexpression (show Cons3)
, there is no context to determine the type parameter of MyType1
is a constructor for any MyType1 a
, and calling show
on it restricts a
to an instance of Show
, but beyond that, nothing can be inferred. So the type variable is ambiguous, and since there is no numeric constraint, it cannot be defaulted (unless you enable ExtendedDefaultRules
The type variable could be fixed if you write
show (Cons3 `asTypeOf` t)
or - for example -
show (Cons3 :: MyType1 String)