I am working on a project which is complete & while testing & found that ASP.NET Routing blocks menu from showing up on pages with friendly URL (ASP.Net 4.0, C#)
Routing Code
routes.MapPageRoute("ActivityRoute", "en/activity/{Language}/{EventID}/{PageID}/{EventTitle}", "~/en/Activity-Details.aspx", false,
new RouteValueDictionary {
{ "Language", "en-US"},
{ "EventID", "0" },
{ "PageID", "0"},
{ "EventTitle", "event-not-found" }},
new RouteValueDictionary {
{"Language", "[a-z]{2}-[a-z]{2}"},
{ "EventID", "[0-9]{1,8}" },
{ "PageID", "[0-9]{1,8}" }
Everything is working fine & managed to make Fancybox work with friendly URL but i am not able to figure out what is blocking sub menus from showing up on page with friendly URL.
I managed to resolve this issue as it was due to path
Resolved it, Problem was due to the path issue which was resolved