I have an ST2 app that has a numberfield for the phone number:
xtype: 'numberfield',
id: 'Phone',
name: 'Phone',
cls: "detailText",
label: 'Phone:'
I have this running on both Android and iPhone. If I enter a phone number of "555123987", the Android will display "555123987" while the iPhone will display "555,123,987".
How do I remove the commas?
I'm using a numberfield because elsewhere in the app the user uses the contents of the field to make a call. Is there another way to stop junk characters getting in there without watching keydown or something? Maybe using textfield with a regex somehow?
You can set the ui config to text
(ui: 'text'
). Like so:
xtype: 'numberfield',
ui: 'text',
label: 'Phone',
name: 'phone'
That's a quick way to prevent the commas from automatically getting in there on iPhone. But it doesn't prevent the user from typing in their own "junk" characters.