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form with jquery ui multiple sliders... only one value being submitted for all

I've been schooling myself through stackoverflow and elsewhere and have learned a lot, but am still very new to this. I'm setting up a form with 5 sliders, the values of which will then post to a PHP page. Everything's working fine... except that the form submits the value of the final slider for EVERY slider. I think I need to use the this attribute or the each function, but I'm not sure how...

Here's my JS:


    var currentValue = $('#currentValue');

        range: "min",
        max: 500,
        slide: function(event, ui) {


and here's my HTML:

<input type=hidden name="slider1" id="slider1" class="slider-input" value="ui.value" />
<input type=hidden name="slider2" id="slider2" class="slider-input" value="ui.value" />
<input type=hidden name="slider3" id="slider3" class="slider-input" value="ui.value" />
<input type=hidden name="slider4" id="slider4" class="slider-input" value="ui.value" />
<input type=hidden name="slider5" id="slider5" class="slider-input" value="ui.value" />

Any suggestions? I'm stumped!


  • For lack of better understanding of structure of inputs in the form I will assume that the only hidden fields in form match each slider so they can be indexed.

    SOmetimes it is easier to implement a plugin within an each loop so you can have simple access to each element of a collection within a javscript closure. jQuery UI can give you access to the individual elements within the events , however not all plugins do so this pattern can be very helpful sometimes.

    var $sliders=$("#slider1,#slider2,#slider3,#slider4,#slider5")
        /* now have access to individual slider eleemnt*/
       var $slide=$(this);
          /* match input index to index of this slider*/
        var $input= $("input:hidden").eq(  $sliders.index($slide) );
        /* initiate slider on this element*/
            range: "min",
            max: 500,
            slide: function(event, ui) {
                /* assign value to correct input */