By ref table I'm referring to a kind of entity 'type' table, and by storage table I'm referring to a table that stores a lot of changing information.
For example:
I have a 'user' table named as such, which is a storage table since it can hold an indeterminate amount of users.
Then i have 'roles' table, which holds role information, it is a type table, as there are many users for each role.
I then have a 'profiles' table, which hold a one to one relationship with the 'user' table.
Now, I've tried this:
However, this convention to me implies that the roles and profile tables each have a one to one relationship with user whereas I know the role table does not.
How to people usually name tables for semantic purposes for the example I described?
The Oracle convention works well here.
If you have a one to one relationship, then one of the tables should have a key to the other. Users should have a profile_id if there is a one to one relationship.