I am trying to extend a LHSprite
from LevelHelper so I can add different behavior to different elements.
Ok, so far so good, but what do you want?
Basically imagine a set of characters that have different movements. I want to be able to define a class Character
that extends LHSprite
and defines a move
method. All characters should extend this Character
class and define their own movement. This way I can add elements to the map and I can treat them (in terms of movement) in the same way.
Ok, I understood that, but what have you done?
So far I have followed this link about custom LHSprites but I am facing a problem: The first difference from my case to that one is that I don't add my elements using the LevelHelper (at least the ones I am trying to extend). I add my elements in code because I want a random number of those elements in a random position.
So I have made this init method that creates a cop (that extends Character
and Character
extends LHSprite
). This method actually looks more to "add to loader" method but whatever:
- (id) initInLoader:(LevelHelperLoader *) loader andNumber: (int) i
atPos: (CGPoint) pos{
self = (Cop *) [ loader createBatchSpriteWithName:@"cop_01"
fromSheet:@"copSheet" fromSHFile:@"enemies" ];
_uniqueName = [ NSString stringWithFormat:@"Cop_%d", i + 1 ];
[ self setUniqueName: _uniqueName];
[ self prepareAnimationNamed:@"cop" fromSHScene:@"enemies" ];
[ self setAnimationDelayPerUnit: 1.0f/70.0f ];
self.position = pos;
[ self playAnimation ];
So far so good. I can see my cop standing and animated. However, when I try to call the move method (or any other method) it gives me an unrecognized selector crash.
I believe this error happens because of the cast to (Cop *)
but I don't know how to surpass this.
I found out that I needed to add a tag to the level helper. However, this tag wasn't updating in the source files so I had to add it manually in the LevelHelperLoader.h, at the enum LevelHelper_TAG
Then I had to register that tag when I initialize the LevelHelper
[[LHCustomSpriteMgr sharedInstance] registerCustomSpriteClass:[Cop class]
And I had to pass that tag when I get that element from the loader:
self = (GlowWorm *) [ loader createBatchSpriteWithName:@"cop_01"
tag: COP_TAG];
To answer the user that made a new answer with a problem
Don't forget to tell about the new class to LevelHelper before you initialize LevelHelper. You can do that with this line:
[[LHCustomSpriteMgr sharedInstance] registerCustomSpriteClass:[Cop class]
forTag: COP_TAG ];