I've defined a binary file like this in C
FILE *gfp;
gfp = fopen(gridfiles, "wb");
The variable gridfiles stores the name of the file, and has been defined earlier. Now I write out two variables into the file.
for(yy = 0; yy < nfiley; yy++) {
for(xx = 0; xx < nfilex; xx++) {
filebx = beguv + xx*1E3;
fileby = enduv - yy*1E3;
fwrite(&filebx, sizeof(filebx), 1, gfp);
fwrite(&fileby, sizeof(fileby), 1, gfp);
If right after this code I
fseek(gfp, 0, SEEK_SET);
fread(&filebx, sizeof(filebx), 1, gfp);
fread(&fileby, sizeof(fileby), 1, gfp);
fprintf(stderr, "%f %f", filebx, fileby);
my output is
1000 15000
for the first two, which is as expected.
But if after some assorted other code (that doesn't involve these files at all) I repeat the fseek() etc., my output is
14000 14000
regardless of what I do. I've been trying to figure this out for a while now... anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
It's Undefined Behaviour to read from a stream which has been opened in write mode. You should make it:
gfp = fopen(gridfiles, "wb+");
if you plan to both read and write.
Also, as pointed out by @Kyle Jones in the comments above, you should get into the habit of checking the return status of fread
when doing file I/O - this would have caught your problem a lot earlier.