I have an enterprise iPad app which is running inside my company. I'm using AirPrint inside the application and I have several air printers inside my WIFI network.
I need to set a default printer for some user groups and restrict the other all printers. (No need to show in the printer list)
Does anybody know how to do this? I see a printerId property in UIPrintInfo. May be i can use this. Not sure.
An identifier of the printer to use for the print job.
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *printerID
This property is set through user selection in the printing user interface. You may provide a printer ID as a hint (for example, the last printer used from a particular print job). The default value is nil.
Official reply from the Apple I received is as follows.
There's no way to do this with the current iOS printing system. Please feel welcome to file a bug report although I cannot say we'll provide such a mechanism in a future iOS version.