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Play songs by album/artist on iTunes with Scripting Bridge/Obj-C

Given a name of an album or artist I would like to tell iTunes to play all songs by that artist or on that album. How can I do this? I know how to get all the songs to play by filtering an array with all the tracks, but how do I tell iTunes to play only those I want?


I know I can use this code to get all the tracks I want to play, but I have no idea how to tell iTunes to play them in sucession. Any ideas?

// Get the app
iTunesApplication* iTunes = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier: @""];

// Get the library
iTunesSource* library;
for (iTunesSource* thisSource in [iTunes sources]) {
    if ([thisSource kind] == iTunesESrcLibrary) {
        library = thisSource;

SBElementArray* tracks;
for (iTunesPlaylist* playlist in [library playlists]) {
    if ([playlist specialKind] == iTunesESpKMusic) {
        tracks = [playlist searchFor: name only: type == 0 ? iTunesESrAAlbums : iTunesESrAArtists];

 // There. Now what? how do I play all the tracks in 'tracks'?


  • So it seems iTunes does not have an AppleScript/Scripting Bridge command to play songs by a certain artist/on a certain album. And according to this question, it's not possible to tell iTunes to play a custom list of tracks without creating a new playlist (which I don't want to do). In short, there's really no way to solve this problem...