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Is there a way to instantiate a desired number of objects in Delphi, without iterating?

I think that C++ supports something on the lines of :

Object objects[100];

This would instantiate a 100 objects, right? Is it possible to do this in Delphi (specifically 2007)? Something other than:

for i:=0 to 99 do
  currentObject = TObject.Create;

or using the Allocate function, with a passed size value a hundred times the TObject size, because that just allocates memory, it doesn't actually divide the memory and 'give' it to the objects. If my assumption that the c++ instantiation is instant rather than under-the-hood-iterative, I apologize.


  • What you are looking for is impossible because

    • Delphi does not support static (stack allocated) objects.
    • Delphi objects do not have default constructors that can be automatically invoked by compiler.

    So that is not a lack of 'sugar syntax'.

    For the sake of complete disclosure:

    • Delphi also supports legacy 'old object model' (Turbo Pascal object model) which allows statically allocated objects;
    • Dynamic object allocation itself does not prevent automatic object instantiation syntax, but makes such a syntax undesirable;
    • Automatic object instantiation syntax is impossible because Delphi does not have default constructors: Delphi compiler never instantiate objects implicitly because it does not know what constructor to call.