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Declaring Stage in external class function and using it in other class?

what I'm trying to achieve is making a "centerItem"-method that centers your object on the stage. I would like to add this method in my Misc class file, and use it everywhere in my application. I already tried it like below but this didn't work:

public static function centerItem(item:*):void
    item.x = (stage.stageWidth - item.width) >> 1;
    item.y = (stage.stageHeight - item.height) >> 1;

and calling it like this:


But when I try it out, it just gives me an error. I already looked on the web but I didn't find any constructive solutions. I hope someone might find a solution/hack


  • If your object is already added on the stage, you can access its stage property :

    public static function centerItem(item:DisplayObject):void
        item.x = (item.stage.stageWidth - item.width) >> 1;
        item.y = (item.stage.stageHeight - item.height) >> 1;

    By the way, I've typed your item parameter to DisplayObject, so you are sure that it has width, height and stage properties.