To compile .scss files in multiple directories we need to use "add_import_path" (, but i dont get how.
I've tried to add
add_import_path "_themes"
add_import_path = "_themes"
additional_import_paths = "_themes"
in my config.rb, but no luck, Compass compiling only from sass_dir = "_modules"
Update: Yes, this line
add_import_path "_themes"
doesnt gives us "no folder found" error, but compass still not compiling .scss in it
What am i doing wrong?
To compile multiple .scss
files you should import the "child" files into the "parent" SASS file using @import "filename";
For example if you have main.scss, you might want to import more CSS from a child stylesheet called for example child.scss like this:
@import "_modules/child";
From what I understand, all that add_import_path
does is allow you to import files from an additional directory. So you can also @import
from _themes/
See this thread.