Delphi 6 Professional in Win7/x64, with c:\Delphi6 folder.
Because the ProjectGroups are making OM errors, we need to build the projects one by one.
To provide faster compilation I tried to use DCC32.exe.
I found some info in this site about "extend dcc32.cfg with 4 options to set the library paths". I set each of them to the "Delphi/Options/Env. options/Library path".
Then I tried:
dcc32.exe b "any.dpr"
But I got error: System.pas don't found.
I don't understand it - maybe the dcc32.exe want to BUILD the basic pas files too, or I need to use another format.
We need to BUILD each of the projects, because we are using many conditional directives.
Thanks for the every info, suggestion you will write.
Since you are not specifying the various paths on the command line, they need to be in a .cfg file. My dcc32.cfg file for Delphi 6 looks like this:
/LE"C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\Delphi6\Projects\Bpl" /LN"C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\Delphi6\Projects\Bpl" /U"C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\Delphi6\Lib";"C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\Delphi6\Imports" /R"C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\Delphi6\Lib"
I have this in the Delphi bin
directory. I put it there because it is specific to one particular machine since it uses absolute paths.
Obviously you might need to add some more paths to what I have above, but the above will get you what you need for the basic RTL/VCL units.