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How to keep Ubuntu 11.10 and Kate editor w/terminal from changing command line when changing tabs?

I am programming C using Kate editor in Ubuntu 11.10. It works great, but when I change tabs in Kate, the terminal line changes to the file path of the tab I click on.

Normally this is not a big deal (other than annoyingly adding extra text to my terminal) however if I am currently RUNNNING a C program, it obviously will type at the command line, which is not so cool.

Example terminal window for my C program (its at a menu):

1) select opt 1
2) select opt 2

Enter choice: (here it waits for prompt from user)

Now when I click a tab in Kate, it wants to put in the cd / path of the file in that tab, such as: cd /home/user/os/files

And of course since my terminal was waiting for prompt from user it gets that command.. not good.

Perhaps there is no fix, but maybe someone knows? Obviously I could choose NOT to switch tabs or end program before switching tabs...

Note: I probably made the mistake of putting this under StackOverflow which is more of a programming area - so though repost here might be best (I am not sure how to link the questions but will paste hyperlink to that post - I dont want to violate any stackoverflow/superuser violations) Suggestions on merging them are welcome or if I should delete one?

SuperUser Post


  • From Pedro Romano at

    Kate configuration under Application > Terminal > Terminal Settings has a Automatically synchronise the terminal with the current document when possible (this is on Ubuntu 12.10, so your may not have it or be slightly different).