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TADOQuery does not return any record

I am using Delphi 7 and I have a table named Table_1 which has two fields say, IMageCode Varchar(50), ActImage [Blob in Oracle, VarBinary(Max) in SQL Server], it has four records inserted including images and respective image code.

When I write a SQL as below in Oracle:

Select * from Table_1 where Upper(ImageCode) ='SUNSET'

TADOQuery doesn't return any record, when I check TADOQuery.RecordCount it shows 0, when I try to see TADOQuery.IsEmpty it says True. Then same query when I execute in the Oracle editor it returns one record as expected, but in delphi the TADOQuery doen't return any record.

But when I write following simple sql for the oracle database, it returns all four records using TADOQuery:

Select * from Table_1

I don't find any issue in SQL server database, as discussed above using TADOQuery.

ADOConnection.Connected := False; 
ADOConnection.LoginPrompt := False; 
ADOConnection.ConnectionString := <Connection String>; 
ADOConnection.Connected := True; 
ADOQuery1.Connection := ADOConnection; 
with ADOQuery1 do begin 
  Active := False; 
  //SqL.Add('Select * from Table_1 where Upper(ImageCode) = ' +    QuotedStr(Uppercase(Trim(edtImageCode.Text)))); 
  SqL.Add('Select * from Table_1 where Upper(ImageCode) = ''SUNSET'''); 
  Active := True; 

Could anybody put focus what could be the issue?


  • Issue is resolved, I tried making "ImageCode" as a primary key, and now TADOQuery is returning the peroper record count i.e. 1 as expected. Previously there was no primary key, but still, if there is primary key or not TADOQuery should return the required data sets.

    Any guess ?