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Simple spec file for creating RPM package

I have a binary Java run.jar file, a bash script which executes run.jar via java -jar.

  • In my environment (~/rpmbuild/), where do I have to put those two files? Where do I have to put the source file? (I guess I should compress the source as .tar.gz)

How can I write the spec file to:

  • Make directory ~/bin/my-package;
  • Copy run.jar and to above directory;

That's all I want. Would you please help me a little?

Thanks for your time.

P.S: I went through this how-to. Unfortunately I'm newbie in this, I couldn't find the solution.


  • Create ~/.rpmmacros to set up RPM build environment.

    $ mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/{BUILD,RPMS/{i{3,4,5,6}86,x86_64,noarch},SOURCES,SPECS,SRPMS}
    $ echo "%_topdir $HOME/rpmbuild" > ~/.rpmmacros

    And put run.jar/ and spec file into ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES and ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/ respectively.

    EDIT: In a spec file:

    Source0: run.jar
    %{__mkdir_p} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/path/to/my-package
    %{__install} -m0644 %{SOURCE0} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/path/to/my-package
    %{__install} -m0644 %{SOURCE1} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/path/to/my-package