I have an app on heroku which scrapes pricing data off a website and saves it periodically. For some reason whenever I run the rake task locally, it acts as expected, but when I run the task on heroku it adds extra output and is saving the object twice for some reason.
Output when I run locally
a,12.80 saved at 2012-10-26 03:36:17 UTC.
b,38.03 saved at 2012-10-26 03:36:24 UTC.
c,22.38 saved at 2012-10-26 03:36:31 UTC.
Output when I run on heroku
a,12.80 saved at 2012-10-26 03:36:17 UTC.
b,38.03 saved at 2012-10-26 03:36:24 UTC.
c,22.38 saved at 2012-10-26 03:36:31 UTC.
#<Stock:0x000000047bb5e8>,12.80 saved at 2012-10-26 03:36:45 UTC.
#<Stock:0x000000047baaf8>,38.03 saved at 2012-10-26 03:36:48 UTC.
#<Stock:0x000000047b00a8>,22.38 saved at 2012-10-26 03:36:52 UTC.
require 'open-uri'
require 'date'
namespace :data do
desc "import current blah stock price data to database"
task :importblah => :environment do
#pass in a stock and price and save it to the database
def save_stock(stock, price)
#store stock data in database
p = stock.prices.build
p.price = price
p.datetime = Time.now.utc.to_datetime
if p.save
puts "#{stock.symbol},#{price} saved at #{p.datetime.to_s}."
puts "#{stock.symbol} didn't save."
actives = Parent.where("test1 = ?", true)
actives.each do |m|
stocks = m.stocks.where('test2 = ?', false)
stocks.each do |stock|
if stock.title.start_with?('blah')
#grab stock price data from blah.com
url = "blah"+stock.symbol
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
price = doc.at_css(".value").text[/\d+\.\d+/]
save_stock(stock, price)
I have an almost identical rake task for a different site and it is not saving the pricing data twice. I am using Amazon RDS db if that affects anything.
Turns out it was a problem with git tracking where I deleted files locally but forgot to
git rm oldraketask.rake
which happened to contain a rake task with the same name as the one I was running so heroku was running both rake tasks consecutively, first the new one and then the one from the old file still on heroku's servers.