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Can I run a java program developed using 32 bit jdk with 64 bit jre? application uses 32 bit non java system libraries

I am developing a java application using 64 bit eclipse on a 64 bit Windows 7 install. I'm forced to use a 32 bit JDK(1.7.0) because the application uses Jpcap, which wont compile with a 64 bit JDK.

The application has to be cross platform across 32 bit and 64 bit systems, which is normally the case with java applications developed using any JDK. But I believe the situation is slightly complicated because besides a jar, Jpcap installs system libraries (.dll/.so) which in turn are wrappers for WinPcap and libpcap. So a Jpcap call is a succession of nested invocations to these libraries.

Here's the question:

Will the application executable work on 64 bit platforms? assuming users will have the required x86 libraries installed (jpcap.dll/.so, WinPcap, libpcap) as 64 bit versions do not exist for the windows libs.


  • Will the application executable work on 64 bit platforms? assuming users will have the required x86 libraries installed (jpcap.dll/.so, WinPcap, libpcap) as 64 bit versions do not exist for the windows libs.

    You will need to use a 32-bit JRE to run the application. A 64-bit Hotspot JRE cannot use 32-bit native libraries.

    But the flipside is that it doesn't matter if you use a 64-bit or 32-bit Eclipse for developing and building ... provided that you configure Eclipse to launch a 32-bit JRE for any testing that involves the native libraries.

    And to be clear, you can run a 32-bit JRE on a 64-bit OS platform, but not the other way around.

    UPDATE - apparently the jpcap.dll can be built for 64-bit Windows - see this posting:!topic/jpcap/-vxZv0eAcp4