I'm serializing a very simple graph into an XML using xStream, I have this output which is pretty close from what I want:
<nodo id="1">
<nodo id="2"/>
<nodo id="2">
<nodo id="3"/>
<nodo id="4"/>
<nodo id="3">
<nodo id="5"/>
<nodo id="4">
<nodo id="6"/>
But I need in the output that every node inside another node (an edge) to appear with the alias "child" and not with "nodo".
I do not believe you can do this with simple aliases. But you can do it with a custom serializer like below. The xstream doc has a good converter tutorial which includes details on how to register a custom converter.
public class Nodo {
String id;
ArrayList<Nodo> children = new ArrayList<>();
public class NodoConverter implements Converter {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean canConvert(Class arg0) {
return arg0.equals(Nodo.class);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void marshal(Object arg0, HierarchicalStreamWriter writer, MarshallingContext arg2) {
marshal((Nodo) arg0, writer, arg2, "nodo");
private void marshal(Nodo nodo, HierarchicalStreamWriter writer, MarshallingContext ctx, String elname) {
writer.addAttribute("id", nodo.getId());
for (Nodo child : nodo.children) {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Object unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader reader, UnmarshallingContext ctx) {
Nodo nodo = new Nodo();
while (reader.hasMoreChildren()) {
Nodo child = (Nodo) ctx.convertAnother(nodo, Nodo.class);