I'm trying 3 different implementation of FNV1A_64 hash.
1) Maatkit
SELECT FNV1A_64('1')
Result: -5808609649712063748
2) pyhash
import pyhash
hasher = pyhash.fnv1a_64()
print hasher('1')
Result: 53876069782339L
3) fnv
./fnv1a64 -s 1
Result: 0xaf63ac4c86019afc (12638134423997487000 decimal)
Why all the results are different ?
MySQL and the command line program gave you the same result. One just printed a signed number and the other printed a hex representation of the same number.
>>> import struct
>>> struct.pack('q', -5808609649712063748)
>>> struct.unpack('Q', _)
>>> 0xaf63ac4c86019afc == _[0]
Python, however, requires FNV1A_64_INIT
as it's not passed by default.
>>> FNV1A_64_INIT = 0xcbf29ce484222325
>>> import pyhash
>>> hasher = pyhash.fnv1a_64()
>>> hasher('1', seed=FNV1A_64_INIT)
>>> _ == 0xaf63ac4c86019afc