I'm trying to install the Facebook-iOS-SDK to my RubyMotion project but have hit a few hurdles.
According to section 5 of the Getting Started Instructions I should include the FacebookSDK framework and SQLite3.
I know how to do these in XCode but have no idea when it comes to Rubymotion - can anyone advise?
I would recommend including it using CocoaPods via the motion-cocoapods gem.
Add motion-cocoapods to your Rakefile:
require 'motion-cocoapods'
In your app setup, add this:
app.pods do
dependency 'Facebook-iOS-SDK'
Also include the sqlite library thusly:
app.libs += ['/usr/lib/libz.dylib', '/usr/lib/libsqlite3.dylib']
Add this right below your frameworks:
app.weak_frameworks += %w{ AdSupport Accounts Social }
Do a rake clean
and then build again and you should have it installed. Oh, and probably gem install motion-cocoapods
or drop it into your Gemfile if you're using bundler.