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Compiling Android NDK with Objective-C-enabled gcc errors

I am working off of Jackie Gleason's presentation about getting objective-c to compile on Android as well as Michael f1337's blog post on the same subject (with the addition of working on Mac OS X, which I am). The major difference between their posts and mine is that I am working to use the latest NDK (r8b). I have followed these steps:

1) Download the latest NDK here:

2) Create a directory called NDK, and unpack the download here.

3) In the NDK directory, create the folder toolchain-src. cd to this directory.

4) Download the toolchain:

git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone

5) Create the directory binutils. cd to this directory.

6) Download the latest binutils tar ball here:

7) Unpack file to current directory.

8) back in the toolchain-src directory, create the directory gcc.

9) Download a gcc that supports objective c (tested with gcc-4.6.1)

10) Unpack this file into the gcc folder, then navigate back to the toolchain-src directory

11) cd to the build directory, and edit the file, changing the line:

--with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld --enable-languages=c,c++


--with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld --enable-languages=c,c++,objc

12) From the gcc directory, Download and install the gcc patch:

curl > gcc.patch

cd gcc-4.6.1
patch -p1 < ../gcc-4.6.1.patch

13) find this file in the ndk: build/tools/ In this file, change the line:

var_append GCC_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "--enable-languages=c,c++"
var_append GCC_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "--enable-languages=c,c++,objc"

14) Next, find this file in the ndk: build/tools/ Here, change the line:

ARGS=$ARGS" --enable-languages=c,c++"
ARGS=$ARGS" --enable-languages=c,c++,objc"

15) Enter the bash terminal (by typing bash), and enter these lines (replacing <...> with actual paths:

LOC="<path to NDK folder>/android-ndk-r8b/build/tools/"
SRC="<path to NDK folder>/toolchain-src"
NDK="<path to NDK folder>/android-ndk-r8b"

sh $LOC --gmp-version=4.2.4 --mpfr-version=2.4.1 --mpc-version=0.8.1 --binutils-version=2.23 --try-64  $SRC $NDK $TOOL

This begins to work, but fails with the following message (found in the output config.log file): error: cannot find install-sh,, or shtool in "<path to NDK>/android-ndk-r8b/build/tools" "<path to NDK>/android-ndk-r8b/build/tools/.." "<path to NDK>/android-ndk-r8b/build/tools/../.."

Looking at the file, it has far less lines than 1771. Further investigation has brought me to believe that this error is occurring in the /toolchain-src/gcc/gcc-4.6.1/configure file, but I do not know what to fix.

Does anyone know how I can fix this? I am not looking for external links, or prebuilt solutions (such as CrystaX' custom ndk-r7), as I have already read and tried a lot.


  • Strangely, I had to delete my existing NDK and re-unarchive it. After that it worked. I had originally installed the NDK as the first step, however it should be moved to before step 15.