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Warning: Directory name too long.:

I am trying to apply a fitting procedure for a very difficult function which actually is


I need to fit about 12 parameters. I decided not to print this function cause it contains about 20K chars. To do fitting I use fminsearch. Right after start I receive a very long message which states:

Warning: Directory name too long.: %D:\upcon_1.m>fit_all_Callback/(here is a full code of my function)

And after about 4 seconds after start matlab becomes suspended and windows shuts it down. What is a reason for it?

Thanks in advance for every response.


  • I can't see/don't want to see your code, but the warning message suggests that you've somehow written your code to tell MATLAB to slurp the contents of your file as a string and treat it as a path! I'd suggest you put a breakpoint in the first line of your code and step through it line by line until you find the offending command. Brett