I have been invited to join a heroku collaboration. I received the email:
Since you already have an account with Heroku, you can get started by simply git cloning the app repository:
git clone git@heroku.com:.....
The other collaborators and myself are already pushing/pulling to the same github repo, so I already have a copy of the code.
From the Heroku dev center (https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/collab):
$ heroku git:clone -a APPNAME This will create a directory called APPNAME, with a full copy of the git repository. It also sets up a git remote called heroku.
So, what do I have to do to just setup the git remote to heroku? I know that I could just dump my copy and clone over it, but I don't want to do this.
Run heroku git:remote -a APPNAME
from inside your existing git directory.
You can also do this directly with git remote
-- see your application in the heroku control panel to find the git address.
I do not recommend using heroku git:clone
as the documentation details since, as it sounds like you do, you should be using a separate git hosting provider such as github to actually manage your source code.