I am going to create a hexagon shape in WPF and found this XAML code:
<Polygon Points="14,0 7,12.1243556529821 -7,12.1243556529821 -14,1.71444889535133E-15 -7.00000000000001,-12.1243556529821 7,-12.1243556529821"
Fill="Black" Stroke="#FF000000" StrokeThickness="1"
RenderTransform="0.866025403784439,0.5,-0.5,0.866025403784439,31,19.2487113059643" />
But I have two questions:
For what refer these values (0.866025403784439,0.5,-0.5,0.866025403784439,31,19.2487113059643) of RenderTransform property?
How can I create a runtime object from this Polygon ?
First: It's the six values M11, M12, M21, M22, OffsetX and OffsetY that define the Matrix of a MatrixTransform.
Second: Polygon is already a "runtime object". What exactly do you mean?