I need to design a database table where most attributes have units. For example:
id load (kW) fuel_consumption (tonnes) - etc
1 1154 89.4
2 1199 54.2
What's the recommended way to capture the units in the design? For example, I could:
I happen to be using MySQL, but I assume this is a generic database normalisation problem.
Interesting question...
There are two obvious routes:
id load_kW fuel_consumption_tonnes
1 1154 89.4
2 1199 54.2
This is easy for humans to read, and fairly logical. However, if some readings are in "kilos", others in "tonnes", you have to convert those readings to fit into the "readings" table; this process MUST be "lossless", and idempotent. For instance, a reading of "89403 kilos" is not "89.4 tonnes", even though the business may choose to round from kilos to tonnes for convenience. There are usually some counter-intuitive rounding things that happen...
If that's the case, you could change the schema:
id load load_unit fuel_consumption fuel_consumption_unit
1 1154 kW 89403 kg
2 1199 kW 54.2 t
With a "unit" table, if you need it:
unit_id unit_name
kg kilogramme
t Tonne
However, this model is open to human failure - it would be easy to change the "load_unit" column without modifying the "load" column, thus breaking the data. There's nothing you can really do to your data model to avoid this. It also makes common queries fairly tricky: imagine trying to retrieve the total of "load" in a consistent unit of measurement.
I would recommend that in this case, you have two tables: "raw_readings", with the original data in the format above, and "normalized_readings", which you populate by converting all the readings to a consistent unit of measurement.