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jQuery dynamic input field focus

I want to add an input field dynamically to my page using the following jQuery:

var inputNode = "<input id='inputNode' class='tiContent' type='text'
    placeholder='text input...'/>";

and after doing so, I want the input field to have focus with blinking text cursor, so I want to type in it right after creation.

Could someone please tell me how can I do this?

I've tried calling


and also have tried


but none of them worked. I can type into the field after clicking in it, but as I've said I want to type without any interaction immediately.


  • When you tried $(inputNode).focus(), jQuery was simply building a new disconnected (from the DOM) <input> element which was different to the one you had appended - although this disconnected one was focussed :-)

    There are a couple of ways to focus the input.

    If you can use HTML5 then adding the autofocus attribute will focus the input

    var inputNode = '<input autofocus id="inputNode" class="tiContent" type="text" placeholder="text input..."/>';

    Or, using jQuery, you need to find the <input> after the element has been created to call .focus() on it, as the inputNode in your code is simply a string and not a jQuery object.

    var inputNode = '<input id="inputNode" class="tiContent" type="text" placeholder="text input..."/>';
    $('div input').focus(); // or $('#inputNode').focus();