I try to install lftp on our CentOS 6 server.
First I tried this:
yum install lftp
But I got: "No package lftp available"
Second I downloaded rpm and tried to install it.
rpm -Uvh /root/src2/lftp-4.3.8-1.el6.rfx.x86_64.rpm
I got: "error: Failed dependencies: perl(String::CRC32) is needed by lftp-4.3.8-1.el6.rfx.x86_64"
I tried to resolve this by:
perl -MCPAN -e shell
install String::CRC32
(There was another issue, but I could solve it with installing YAML modul too)
Finally it was successful.
List of installed modules now (instmodsh): Installed modules are: ExtUtils::MakeMaker Geography::Countries IP::Country Mail::SPF Mail::SpamAssassin Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable Perl String::CRC32 YAML razor-agents
If I try to rerun rpm install, I got the same error message. "error: Failed dependencies: perl(String::CRC32) is needed by lftp-4.3.8-1.el6.rfx.x86_64"
How can I solve this?
The dependency must be met by installing the pre-packaged version of String::CRC32. For CentOS 6, this appears to be perl-String-CRC32-1.4-9.el6.x86_64.rpm (your available package may have a different version number).