Given a class hierarchy with a base class B
and a subclass S
class B { }
class S : B { }
I can assign a S
to an B
with an implicit conversion:
B b = new S();
If I wanted to downcast this back to a S
I would have to do this explicitly:
B b = new S();
S s = (S)b;
Now, my understanding is we can guarantee that there is always assignment compatibility going from S
to B
, so we will never have to perform an explicit upcast in the following way:
S s = new S();
B b = (B)s; // or
B b2 = s as B;
Is this assertion correct, or as the question states Do I Ever Have to Perform An Explicit Upcast?
If you have
class B { }
class S : B { }
class T : B { }
and you try to do something like
var b = myBool ? new S() : new T();
this won't compile unless you explicitly cast either the S
or the T
instance (or both) to B
The same goes for anonymous methods; this
new bool[0].Select(b =>
{ if (b) { return new S(); } else { return new T(); } });
won't compile without casts (or specifying Select<bool, B>
but this might not be possible, for example if your source is an anonymous type).
Also, if you have
class B { public void DoSomething() { } }
class S : B { public new void DoSomething() { } }
S s = new S();
s.DoSomething(); // calls the S version
((B)s).DoSomething(); // calls the B version