I have a Express signed Symbian app, developed in Qt. I don't want to publish it in Nokia OVI store. I want to distribute the app to some particular people only. What should I do?
I think uploading the SIS file in my website and provide a link to download the app is not a feasible solution in my case.
Can I just mail the SIS file to those set of people? Or is there anything like "Targeted Distribution" (like in the case of Windows Phone) for Qt apps?
Ok i correct my previous statement about unusability of email distribution. I based that assumption on the path i had to take for enabling a limited distribution some time ago (that is, a web download). Have a look at the following URL
- If your target user has Nokia PC Suite, you can deliver the file to him in any way, but he needs to know how to install SISX with the Suite.
- IR/Bluetooth probably doesn't apply, you want to do distribution not point-to-point.
- "Physical" distribution over MMC is perhaps too cumbersome for you
- If your target user has email reading set up on his phone, you indeed can send him an email with SISX in attachment. This means real Symbian native email agent not "reading webmail over browser" - you would lose a crucial MIME type of the attachment that way. See below.
- The widest applicable method, webpage OTA. If you need to restrict the access, you can always set up HTTP authentication on that webpage and let your target users know the name and password. However there is one crucial step for this to work: you need to override the MIME type of SISX HTTP download. By default, application/octet-stream will be assigned by a generic webserver, which won't work. You need to do some HTTP response hacking.