I have create three developer profile (like A,B,C) with wildcard APP ID.
First, I have install application A using profile A in device.
Now, I have install application B using profile B in device, then this B application is overwrite on application A. means now application A is not available in device only B application is available.
Same issue generate when we use C profile.
So, only one application is install in device at a time that's my problem.
so. pls tell me how to install more than one application in device without generated different APP ID(means using wildcard APP ID).
It seems that all of your apps are using the same bundle identifier (specified in the app's info.plist file)..
The idea is:
each app has got its own unique identifier;
a (*
) wildcard profile will just work with any identifier.
A bundle identifier has the generic form:
I would suggest checking how those values are defined in your apps.