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convert a dict to sorted dict in python

I want to convert a dict into sorted dict in python

data = pandas.read_csv('D:\myfile.csv')
for colname, dtype in data.dtypes.to_dict().iteritems():
    if dtype == 'object':
        print colname
        count = data[colname].value_counts()
        d = dict((str(k), int(v)) for k, v in count.iteritems())
        f = dict(sorted(d.iteritems(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse = True)[:5])
        print f

        m ={}
        m["count"]= int(sum(count))    
        m["Top 5"]= f    
        print m    
        k = json.dumps(m)
        print k    
f = {'Gears of war 3': 6, 'Batman': 5, 'gears of war 3': 4, 'Rocksmith': 5, 'Madden': 3}

My desired Output is :

f = {'Gears of war 3': 6, 'Batman': 5, 'Rocksmith': 5, 'gears of war 3': 4, 'Madden': 3}
k = {'count':24, 'top 5':{'Gears of war 3': 6, 'Batman': 5, 'Rocksmith': 5, 'gears of war 3': 4, 'Madden': 3}}

(in the descending order of values and the result should be a dict)


  • You cannot sort a dict because dictionary has no ordering.

    Instead, use collections.OrderedDict:

    >>> from collections import OrderedDict
    >>> d = {'Gears of war 3': 6, 'Batman': 5, 'gears of war 3': 4, 'Rocksmith': 5, 'Madden': 3}
    >>> od = OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True))
    >>> od
    OrderedDict([('Gears of war 3', 6), ('Batman', 5), ('gears of war 3', 4), ('Rocksmith', 5), ('Madden', 3)])
    >>> od.keys()
    ['Gears of war 3', 'Batman', 'gears of war 3', 'Rocksmith', 'Madden']
    >>> od.values()
    [6, 5, 4, 5, 3]
    >>> od['Batman']

    The "order" you see in an JSON object is not meaningful, as JSON object is unordered[RFC4267].

    If you want meaningful ordering in your JSON, you need to use a list (that's sorted the way you wanted). Something like this is what you'd want:

      "count": 24,
      "top 5": [
        {"Gears of war 3": 6},
        {"Batman": 5},
        {"Rocksmith": 5},
        {"gears of war 3": 4},
        {"Madden": 3}

    Given the same dict d, you can generate a sorted list (which is what you want) by:

    >>> l = sorted(d.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
    >>> l
    [('Gears of war 3', 6), ('Batman', 5), ('Rocksmith', 5), ('gears of war 3', 4), ('Madden', 3)]

    Now you just pass l to m['top5'] and dump it:

    m["Top 5"]= l
    k = json.dumps(m)