I am using the thin Oracle JDBC driver ver 10.2.0 (ojdbc14.jar). I would like to configure its NLS_LANG setting manually. Is there a way?
Currently it fetches this setting from the VM variable user.language (which is set automatically by setting the current locale, or on startup from the system environment).
This is a problem when the users switch the application locale to a one that is unsupported by the Oracle JDBC driver (e.g. mk_MK). In this case, the next time I fetch a connection I get the following exception:
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified
I can change the locale on the fly just before I fetch the connection and switch back to the user's selected one back and forth, but this seems unelegant and unefficient.
The NLS_LANG settings are derived from the java.util.Locale . Therefore, you will need to make a call similar to this before connecting:
Locale.setDefault(Locale.<your locale here>);