I am using balanced payments to allow users to purchase services on my site. When users are ready to checkout, they login/create an account on my site, then enter their credit card information. The card is charged and they are on their way.
As I mentioned above, my site offers a service so I charge their card every month automatically via a cronjob. I simply use the following one liner to grab the buyer:
buyer = balanced.Account.query.filter(email_address = emailAddress)[0]
Simple enough. However, credit cards are lost, they expire, users want to use a different credit card, etc. How do I go about allowing a user to edit their credit card or provide a new one? Do I simply create a separate page that allows them to enter their new credit card information via:
buyer = balanced.Marketplace.my_marketplace.create_buyer(emailAddress, card_uri = cardURI)
Finally, how does balanced decide which chard to use? How do I let users manage which credit card they would like to use? Do I simply store the card_uri and let them select which card URI to use?
If you look at the source for the balanced-python library you can get hints about what parameters to use. I appreciate it may be a bit confusing for first-timers so thanks for asking a question.
card = balanced.Card(**card_payload) # this could also just be a URI from a card tokenized with balanced.js
account = balanced.Account.query.filter(email_address = emailAddress).one()
cards = account.cards
# some magic here to select the correct card (e.g. prompt user for which card)
card = magic_card_selection(cards)
debit = account.debit(amount_in_cents, source_uri=card.uri)
cards = account.cards
for card in cards:
# display as you like, the card object has the following attributes:
print card.__dict__.keys()
['expiration_month', 'account', 'hash', 'name', 'expiration_year', 'created_at', 'brand', 'uri', 'card_type', 'is_valid', 'meta', 'last_four', 'id']
Here's a complete example which may help:
import balanced
key = balanced.APIKey().save()
buyer = balanced.Account(email_address='buyer@example.org').save()
# add a new card
card = balanced.Marketplace.my_marketplace.create_card(
name='First card',
# add another valid card
card = balanced.Marketplace.my_marketplace.create_card(
name='Second card',
amount_in_cents = 100 # $1.00
first_card = buyer.cards[0]
second_card = buyer.cards[1]
# charge a specific card
debit = buyer.debit(amount_in_cents, source_uri=first_card.uri)
debit2 = buyer.debit(amount_in_cents, source_uri=second_card.uri)
assert debit.source.uri == first_card.uri
assert debit2.source.uri == second_card.uri
# show all attributes on an object
print first_card.__dict__.keys()