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cocoon gem install / usage?

i am trying to use cocoon for nested ajax form coupled with formtastic

my rails version

 Rails 3.2.3

i have put gem "cocoon" im my gemfile and did a bundle install

then in my elements/_form.html.erb:

 <%= semantic_form_for @element do |f| %>

    <%= f.inputs do %>

    <%= f.input :projects, :label_method => :projectname%>

    <%= f.semantic_fields_for :experiments do |exp| %>
           <% render 'experiment_fields', :f => exp %>    
           <%= link_to_add_association "Add experiment", f, :experiments%>

    <% end %>
    <%= f.actions :submit, :cancel %>    

  <% end %>

with elements/_experiment_fields.html.erb :

 <div class='nested-fields'> 
   <%= f.input :exptype %>
   <%= link_to_remove_association "remove experiment", f %>

this generate no error but do not display the nested link or form

i then added to assets/application.js:

   //= require cocoon

and to layout/application.html.erb

          <%= javascript_include_tag :cocoon %>

this generate the error :

        couldn't find file 'cocoon'

did i miss something in cocoon installation ? could anyone help?


  • In your layout/application.html.erb you should just write

    = javascript_include_tag "application"

    and not the :cocoon (that is only for older rails 3.0.x). The application.js will contain the cocoon javascript files automatically (asset pipeline).

    Hope this helps.