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Ankh SVN: Copying code to a new branch without checking into the current branch

All of our dev is done via a branch, where a branch relates to a version to be released. Sometimes, we start working in the latest branch but for some reason a new minor branch is opened. Now, I find myself in this position. Because of what I was working on I did not check it into the original branch and I don't know how to move my code to the new branch. Make sense?

Asked another way:

  • Checkout v1.16.0
  • Do local work (no check-in)
  • v1.16.0 goes into code freeze
  • Checkout v1.16.1
  • ?????? - how do I move the local changes in v1.16.0 to v1.16.1?

I am planning on using BeyondCompare as I know the files I need to move content on. Hoping there is a SVN (Ankh SVN) way of doing this instead. This is NOT a merge as v1.16.0 never got checked in.


  • You can execute

    svn switch v1.16.1

    This changes your branch but preserve your local changes.