I am developing a small library as a basis for some applications. As I am about to create a scenegraph (2D) I am wondering which of the following approaches looks more promising under the view of performance, maintainability, easy to use etc.
The first solution has a disadvantages: For primitive elements like circles, where I can't pass a matrix in the draw call, I must access the translated values from the matrix like this:
private float get(int index) {
final float[] values = new float[9];
return values[index];
public float getX() {
return get(Matrix.MTRANS_X);
public float getY() {
return get(Matrix.MTRANS_Y);
So on every draw call I create a float array for each getter call (one for getX(), one for getY()). Assuming that I have plenty of elements on the screen, this could lead to a memory and performance impact.
The second approach has the disadvantage of "negative" thinking. If I want an element be drawn at point 100/100 I must translate the canvas to -100/-100 as I would draw on 0/0. If I restore the canvas after that, the result would be the element be drawn on the wanted 100/100. I am not sure if this negative thinking would result in a heavy impact on code maintainability and decreased understanding (never even started to think about introducing bugs by simply forgetting to negate something...).
Does someone have a tip which way should be preferred?
It seems that indeed both solutions must be combined.
My assumption on the second approach is totally wrong. If I translate an element to 100/100, the point of origin will be changed to 100/100. The same applies, of course, to the canvas. The negative thinking was total nonsense of me.
The combined result will be the following:
, with the provided method concat(Matrix matrix)
the matrix of the element can be applied. The drawing will be done and the canvas will be restored with restore()
.This enables the implementation of a 2D scene graph without any big implementation work.