If I download fossil v1.23 to my linux server, everything goes fine.
root@x:/home/james/test# unzip fossil-linux-x86-20120808112557.zip
Archive: fossil-linux-x86-20120808112557 (1).zip
inflating: fossil
root@x:/home/james/test# mv fossil fossil_1_23
root@x:/home/james/test# chmod 777 fossil_1_23
root@x:/home/james/test# ./fossil_1_23 help
Usage: ./fossil_1_23 help COMMAND
Common COMMANDs: (use "./fossil_1_23 help --all" for a complete list)
add clean gdiff mv rm timeline
addremove clone help open settings ui
all commit import pull sqlite3 undo
annotate diff info push stash update
bisect export init rebuild status version
branch extras ls remote-url sync
changes finfo merge revert tag
This is fossil version 1.23 [957b17af58] 2012-08-08 11:25:57 UTC
But 1.24 fails, with 'No such file' even though a ls command shows the file is present, like this:
root@x:/home/james/test# unzip fossil-linux-x86-20121022124804.zip
Archive: fossil-linux-x86-20121022124804.zip
inflating: fossil
oot@x:/home/james/test# mv fossil fossil_1_24
root@x:/home/james/test# chmod 777 fossil_1_24
root@x:/home/james/test# ls -l
total 3620
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 528859 Oct 24 10:04 fossil-linux-x86-20120808112557.zip
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 670298 Oct 24 10:04 fossil-linux-x86-20121022124804.zip
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1061584 Aug 11 10:30 fossil_1_23
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1418656 Oct 22 09:16 fossil_1_24
root@x:/home/james/test# ./fossil_1_24 help
-bash: ./fossil_1_24: No such file or directory
Richard Hipp rebuilt the 1.24 linux binary. The new version works fine.