I have a table with a field called 'length', of type varchar(10). These fields contains "real numbers" (fraction-numbers with a decimal point. e.g. 647.45224) - expressed as string. I want to call a Linq-to-SQL query that will order the results of a SELECT, by this field (in its numerical representation), like with this "native" SQL query:
SELECT * FROM [Table] ORDER BY CAST(length AS float) DESC
I've tried several methods of telling LinqToSQL to convert the string into a float, but when running it - it returns a conversion error (note that there are no intellisense errors, nor errors during compilation, only when executing).
I've tried:
Results = dbx.[Items].Where([conditions]).OrderByDescending(b => float.Parse(b.length))
I will also settle for a rounding and conversion to Int and sorting by that (though I'd prefer to use the real numbers of-course), I tried:
Results = dbx.[Items].Where([conditions]).OrderByDescending(b => Convert.ToInt32(b.length))
But this too gives an error.
Is there any way?
You need to use Convert.ToDouble
dbx.[Items].Where([conditions]).OrderByDescending(b => Convert.ToDouble(b.length))
It will generate the following SQL
ORDER BY CONVERT(Float,[t0].[length])
Note that SQL server type float
is the same as .NET type double
(not float